Teen Dating Violence Abroad
High school and college students studying, volunteering, or traveling abroad are at just as much risk of dating violence overseas as they are in the USA. And, due to technology, can continue to be harassed when/if they return back to the United States. Pathways serves American victims of teen dating violence in foreign countries and when they return to the US.
The following is from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2015

What is Teen Dating Violence?
Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship, including stalking. It can occur in person or electronically and might occur between a current or former dating partner.
Several different words are used to describe teen dating violence. Here are just a few:
- Relationship abuse
- Intimate partner violence
- Relationship violence
- Dating abuse
Dating violence is widespread with serious long-term and short-term effects. Many teens do not report it because they are afraid to tell friends and family. A 2011 CDC nationwide survey found that 23% of females and 14% of males who ever experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, first experienced some form of partner violence between 11 and 17 years of age. A 2013 survey found approximately 10% of high school students reported physical victimization and 10% reported sexual victimization from a dating partner in the 12 months before they were surveyed.
What are the consequences of teen dating violence overseas?
As teens develop emotionally, they are heavily influenced by experiences in their relationships. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen’s emotional development. Unhealthy, abusive, or violent relationships can have severe consequences and short- and long-term negative effects on a developing teen.
Youth who experience dating violence are more likely to experience the following:
- Symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Engagement in unhealthy behaviors, such as tobacco and drug use, and alcohol
- Involvement in antisocial behaviors
- Thoughts about suicide
Additionally, youth who are victims of dating violence in high school are at higher risk for victimization during college.